I believe I have just witnessed what is now the current winner in the "most flagrant show of blatant disrepect on the part of a student" category.
On tuesdays I team teach a class that is normally very quiet, so I always look forward to it, it is one of the few. Thus, you can imagine the look on my face when I walk in and find that we have a new student. It's one of the makeup whores, and the loudest one at that. My face fell fifteen stories, from smile to snarl. Just like that the whole class was ruined, I knew it. The show must go one, though, so I gave it my best foot forward. I started with my daily warmup where I ask the kids what the date is, and how the weather is.
As soon as I start talking, the loud girl starts talking too, to her friend. This pisses me off in two ways, the first is because she wasn't even trying to lower her tone. She was speaking in a LOUD OUTDOOR VOICE, and occasionally cackling in the way that young japanese whores do. This also pisses me off because the girl she is talking to is normally an attentive and enthusiastic girl. Naturally, her discussion starts more discussions and before I know it the entire class is talking, although none as loud as the Whore In Training. (WITs I call them, which is hilarious on so many levels, not the least of which is because they clearly have none.)
Two seconds into the lesson and I've already lost the class. My assistant teacher didn't really know how to tackle the situation. So I snapped and shusshed her very, very, very loudly, spit flew out of my mouth, and I affixed her with a stare that intimated I would go Jack the Ripper on her if she didn't shut the hell up. I see that she has a nasty hicky on her neck. I throw up a little in my own mouth.
Her eyes went wide, she stopped mid sentance. The whole class froze. The students were taken aback
"What is this? He gets mad at the children? Why, that's unheard of!" I knew all of these thoughts went through his head.
I was granted about one minute of the most pure and blissfull silence I have ever encountered in my short life.
Eventually she started talking again, like she always does (you must understand that when she bothers to show up to class she does nothing, and no amount of constant reminding can get her or her slutty friends to stop being the worthless anchors that are slowly dragging this school down.) Although it's not much, I count it as a small victory that she didn't talk quite as loudly or as frequently. Then, halfway through the lesson she gets up and leaves.
Afterwards I spoke to my assistant teacher about her.
"She's not normally in that class," I said. I assumed that she switched classes because of some or other reason.
"I know," He said.
"Is she in the class now?" I asked.
"No," he said.
Do you realize what this means? This means that little bitch ditched her own
real class to walk in to
my class and disrupt everything and everyone.
It wasn't even her class. When I think back on it, I recall similar behavior in other classes with other kids. THEY WANDER IN AND OUT OF CLASSES, WILLY NILLY! This tells me all I need to know about the general lack of respect in this school. When the kids think so little of the teachers and the lessons that they forego their own class to disrupt another simply because a friend is in it, they have really gone off the deep end. This is unfathomable to me, even in the worst schools in the worst districts of the worst cities in the worst states in the entire USA,
someone would have told this girl to leave.
I don't care if you're Michelle Pfiefer and you have latinos with knives and skinheads with swastika tatoos running around, and Coolio is blasting
Gangsta's Paradise in the background, the teacher would have said
something if the wrong student just waltzed into a class and started running her mouth.
I clearly will, now that I know, if she ever tries to come into another class like that.
Now, I would beat them if I could. They aren't little kids, they are 16-18 years old. They aren't armed either, at least I have that guarantee. Some of them would hit back, and some might win, too. I just found out that one of the sleepers in one of my classes took second in his division in the all state boxing tournament this weekend. Thank God this kid just sleeps all day and keeps to himself. He would be beating me. The problem is, far from beating the kids, the teachers won't even stop them from talking. The only Japanese teacher that does anything is my supervisor, and that's because he is young. He's a yeller. We need more yellers. Him and the PE teacher. The P.E teacher will go so far as to twist an ear, but in a friendly manner. I want bloody knuckles. I want Mother O' Malley of the Catholic Order of Beat Ass to come in here with about eighty sisters. I want ten nuns per class. Come to think of it, this would also solve the whole problem of everyone over here being a heathen. Two birds with one stone.
This school is going under. I hate to be the one to say it, but it's true, and the sooner people here understand that the better it will be for them. It already has a reputation across the state as a school for slouchers and troublemakers. We need serious outside consultation and major change. All cell-phones need to be confiscated before class and returned after school. All makeup kits need to be confiscated before classes and returned after school (or not, depending on if the girl needs any more goddamn makeup on her WIT face). Teacher's need kick kids out of class and these kids need to fail. Keep kids in this school for fifteen years if need be, and charge them for it.
I have started to see small changes, but I fear they are too little too late. For instance, the administration here all of the sudden recently announced that our caliber of student "be on par with those of competing schools." Well, isn't that nice. I'll just get right on that. Let me push my little "on par" button here under my desk and fix everything lickety-split. As a way to get smarter students, they made the entrance exam harder. That's all well and good, I'm all for syphoning out the idiots, but you have to make the smart kids
want to come. A better entrance exam is important, but that does nothing to help the 200 odd kids already here. I proofread the English section of the new exam today and I know
without a doubt that not a single student i've ever come in contact with here could understand the English section of that exam. What kind of a school is it when the seniors are all dumber than the freshman?
If anybody knows any nuns doing freelance work, shoot me their number.