Tuesday, November 08, 2005

In the typical fashion of stilted Japanese Teacher-to-Jet communication, I was sitting reading peacefully at my desk the other day when the teacher next to me, whom I don't talk to all that much, turns to me and says "when can you practice?"

"Excuse me?" I said. (I say that a lot here.)

"For the Kendo Tournament."


"Yes. Teacher's Kendo Club. Students vs. Teachers. Tournament is in a week and a half."

"Oh, right." (I have no prior knowledge of this club existing, let alone my being a member of it. Of course, I smile and give him three dates in which I can practice "Kendo.")

So there you have it. One second I'm reading Brett Easton Ellis, the next I'm a member of the Kendo club. Funny how life works.

Now, for those of you not in the know, kendo is a big time Japanese sport in which men and women outfit themselves in blue skirts and helmets and wail on each other with bamboo swords. At least, thats what it looks like they are doing when I pass kendo practice every day on my way out the door. As it turns out, there is a lot more to it. Go figure.

Anyway, today was my first practice. One of the members of the girls kendo team is set aside to teach me how not to make myself look like a complete idiot in front of the whole school next week. She is a very sweet girl, and one of the smallest, most innocent looking people you will ever meet. Naturally, she whuped my ass. She was polite about it though. You see, short of bowling and walking from the Sunshine 88 apartment complex to Toyama station hungover on the weekends I don't get much excercise, so she ran circles around me. Apparently, you cannot score a point in Kendo unless you hit your opponent on either the top of the head, the right wrist, or the abdomen. On top of that, you cannot score a point unless you scream the name of the area you want to hit, sort of like calling your pocket. So imagine, if you will, a lanky white boy running at a 5 foot 3 inch Japanese schoolgirl with a stick and yelling


And then getting really winded after five minutes and asking to take a break.

Suffice to say, had those little bamboo shoots been real steel, this little girl would have split my skull, chopped off my right hand, and gutted me in three minutes.

One of the teachers turned to me and said proudly, "this girls kendo team is the best."

"Oh really?" I replied, "in the whole school?"

"No, in the whole state. Boys too."

Wonderful. This tournament should be a real show.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger Geoff said...

Ah, the old start-halfway-through-an-imaginary-conversation trick eh? I've had that many a-time. "and what will your questions be?" What now? "for the exam - you are writing the exam for two days time..."

My mother and sister have a habit of doing it as well, as if they imagine they have already had the introductory part of the conversation with me.

The kids here are scarily fit though. No shame to you there boyo.

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno...I mean, if I recall correctly you stated that most of these kids are delinquents. Now, delinquents who are insanely skilled with swords makes me a bit uneasy. Then again, running out of beer makes me uneasy too. Grain of salt.

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I just clicked on the "next blog" button in the upper right hand corner...I can now keep myself entertained for quite some time. Give it a try, you never know what "lotus master feet" pictures and stories you might uncover.

At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lucky bastard. I would kill to have a teacher Kendo team at either of my schools. Kick their pathetic asses for me. Throw them for a loop by yelling suki and jabbing the shinai at the throat guard. You won't hit them but it may confuse them as to how you got this wacky knowing.

At 5:13 AM, Blogger Bunny said...

You know, maybe you should go to this student vs. teacher tourney drunk...no one can weave and strafe like a drunk dude. Maybe you'll actually get a point or two before getting your white foreign ass handed to you.



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